Arkansas State University - Newport

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ASUN Faculty and Staff Directory
Name/Title Department Contact Location/Office
Shempert, Ronnie
Maintenance Assistant
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-926-7405
Jonesboro, Physical Plant
Julianna Smith
Smith, Julianna
Grant Accountant
Finance & Administration
Phone: 870-512-7719
Newport, SC 241
Lonnie Smith
Smith, Lonnie
Institutional Services Assistant
Events and Food Service
Phone: 870-512-7891
Newport, Physical Plant
Snetzer, Debbie
Assistant to the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7844
Newport, WH 150
picture of Amanda Spurlock
Spurlock, Amanda
Assistant Professor of Psychology
History & Social Sciences
Phone: 870-680-8744
Jonesboro, Main A126
photo of Maddie Staggs
Staggs, Maddie
Cinical and Simulation Coordinator
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7828
Newport, WH 126
Stapleton, Charlene
Administrative Specialist III
Career Pathways
Phone: 870-512-7856
Newport, WH 119
Mike Steele
Steele, Mike
Instructor of Adult Education
Adult Education
Phone: 870-512-7821
Newport, WH156
Stewart, Justin
Assistant Professor of Life Sciences
Phone: 870-680-8730
Summers, Steven
Assistant Professor of Physical Science
Phone: 870-512-7819
Jonesboro, Main A116B