Arkansas State University - Newport

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Employee Directory

ASUN Faculty and Staff Directory
Name/Title Department Contact Location/Office
Adair, Adam
Executive Vice Chancellor/CFO
Phone: 870-512-7801
Newport, SC 238
Daniel Adamson
Adamson, Daniel
Advanced Instructor of Computer Networking Technology
Computer Networking Technology
Phone: 870-358-8625
Marked Tree, Building C 303
Altom, Zach
Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7759
Newport, WRH 104
Antwine, Katelyn
Instructor of Cosmetology
Phone: 870-358-8623
Marked Tree, A108
photo of Natasha Baylor
Baylor, Natasha
Career Coach
Career Facilitator
Phone: 870-930-6412
Jonesboro, Jonesboro High School
Beach, Ken
Assistant Director of Workforce Development
Workforce Development
Phone: 870-680-8722
Jonesboro, WTC 105
Bevly, Shelby
Campus Operations Manager
Human Resources
Phone: 870-680-8712
Jonesboro, A103
photo of Gene Boggs
Boggs, Gene
Maintenance Assistant
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-358-8638
Marked Tree, Physical Plant
photo of Mary Brewer
Brewer, Mary
Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7747
Newport, WRH 603
Bright, Jordan
Student Accounts Officer
Finance & Administration
Phone: 870-512-7875
Newport, Hangar SC 201
Kenny Browning
Browning, Kenny
Director of High Voltage Lineman Technology
High Voltage Lineman Technology
Phone: 870-512-7893
Newport, HVLT I804
Bryant, Jeri
Dean for Academic Success
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7871
Newport, WH 165
Buchanan, Bobbie
Career Coach
Career Facilitator
Phone: 870-358-8643
Marked Tree
Traci Burgess
Burgess, Traci
Associate Professor of History
History & Social Sciences
Phone: 870-680-8959
Jonesboro, Main 218, A126
Campbell, Joe
Dean for Liberal Arts/Honors College
History & Social Sciences
Phone: 870-680-8725
Newport, WH 160. Jonesboro A126
Campbell, Lindsey
Director of Early College Programs
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7860
Newport, WH 188
Church, Travis
Director of Auxiliary Operations
Phone: 870-512-7806
Newport, SC 244
Clairday, Missy
Career Coach
Career Facilitator
Phone: 870-926-5433
Marked Tree, Building A 128
photo of Latisha Clark
Clark, Latisha
Advanced Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7712
Newport, WRH105
Coggin, Judy
Coordinator of PCT/Advanced Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-680-8718
Jonesboro, C303B
Photo of Sarah McKnight
Coleman, Sarah
Institutional Services Assistant
Physical Plant
Phone: --
Newport, Physical Plant
Collier, Tammy
Advanced Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-680-8716
Jonesboro, Nursing C303D
Collins, Bridget
Assistant Professor of Speech and Theater
English & Fine Arts
Phone: 870-512-7810
Newport, WH 143, Jonesboro A126
Constant, Mark
Advanced Instructor of Energy Control Technology
Energy Control Technology
Phone: 870-358-8627
Marked Tree, Building C 309B
Cooper, Susan
Professor of Social Sciences
History & Social Sciences
Phone: 870-512-7823
Newport, WH 144
Austin Copenhaver
Copenhaver, Austin
Career Coach
Career Facilitator
Phone: 870-243-2513
Jonesboro, Jonesboro High School
Cowell, Kristie
Institutional Services Assistant
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-512-7891
photo of Jan Criswell
Criswell, Jan
Instructor of Culinary Arts
Phone: 870-680-8733
Jonesboro, Hospitality
Crockett, Jermaine
Institutional Services Assistant
Physical Plant
Phone: --
Marked Tree, Physical Plant
Cross, Cheryl
Director of Career Pathways
Career Pathways
Phone: 870-512-7827
Newport, WH 120
Crotts, Stacey
Accounts Payable Specialist
Business Office
Phone: 870-512-7883
Newport, SC 215
Melody Davis
Davis, Melody
Finance & Administration
Phone: 870-512-7805
Newport, SCC218
Deckard, Michael
Instructor of Welding
Phone: 870-512-7751
Newport, G702
DeHart, Gina
Executive Assistant
Finance & Administration
Phone: 870-512-7809
Newport, SC238
Doyle, Duane
Professor of Mathematics
Phone: 870-512-7863
Newport, WH 139, Jonesboro A126E
Samantha Dunavion
Dunavion, Samantha
Professional Advisor
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-680-8901
Jonesboro, Main A122
Stacey Dunlap
Dunlap, Stacey
Dean for Financial Aid
Financial Aid
Phone: 870-512-7811
Newport, SC 214
photo of Jake Eddington
Eddington, Jake
Digital Marketing Manager
Marketing and Communications
Phone: 870-512-7838
Newport, SC 211
Ellis, Janna
Assistant Professor of Business
Business Education
Phone: 870-512-7816
Newport, WH 185
Fender, Hunter
Information Systems Manager
IT Services
Phone: 870-512-7722
Newport, CWA A303
Frans, Vicki
Academic Coordinator
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-680-8619
Marked Tree, A104
photo of Denise Garland
Garland, Denise
Academic Coordinator
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7813
Newport, WH159
Gates, Tonya
Director of Prison Education Program Engagement/Assistant Professor of Psychology
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7770
Newport, WH 124
Getman, Anita
Director of Food Services
Events and Food Service
Phone: 870-512-7726
Newport, SC 250-HUB
Gilliaum, Lindley
Associate Dean for Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Phone: 870-512-7746
Newport, WH 167
Glover, Lily
Advanced Instructor of Surgical Technology
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-358-8630
Marked Tree, A124B
Lisa Godsey
Godsey, Lisa
Director of Culinary Arts
Phone: 870-680-8733
Jonesboro, Hospitality D505B
Amber Grady
Grady, Amber
Dean for Community Outreach
Phone: 870-512-7718
Newport, SC214
Sheila Griffin
Griffin, Sheila
Institutional Services Assistant
Physical Plant
Phone: --
Candace Gross
Gross, Candace
Dean for One Stop Services/Registrar
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-512-7716
Newport, SC 210
Photo of Mark Hanan
Hanan, Mark
Director of Instructional Design and Distance Education
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7717
Newport, WH 110
Hardaway, Danyelle
Assistant to the Chancellor
Office of the Chancellor
Phone: 870-512-7852
Newport, SC 230
photo of Debbie Hardy
Hardy, Debbie
Dean for Students
Student Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7859
Newport, WH162
Photo of Mary Harris
Harris, Mary
Academic Coordinator
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-680-8715
Jonesboro, Main A121
Stacie Hay
Hay, Stacie
Dean for Nursing & Health Professions
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7869
Newport, WH 169
Holden, Tonya
Senior Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-358-8626
Marked Tree, A121B
Horton, Roni
Dean for Enrollment Management
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-512-7861
Newport, SCC213
Houchin, Billy
Skilled Trades Supervisor
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-358-8638
Marked Tree, Physical Plant 401
Houchin, Mary
One-Stop Coordinator
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-358-8612
Marked Tree, Building A 113
photo of Mindy Howard
Howard, Mindy
Payroll Services Specialist
Human Resources
Phone: 870-512-7736
Newport, SC 221
Ireland, Madison
One-Stop Agent
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-512-7885
Newport, Hangar SC 201
photo of Todd Ireland
Ireland, Todd
Skilled Tradesman
Physical Plant
Phone: --
Newport, Physical Plant
Jernigan, Judy
One-Stop Agent
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-358-8620
Marked Tree, Building A 111
Jewell, Debbie
Coordinator of Academic Support Services
Phone: 870-512-7862
Newport, WH 106
Johnson, Sharon
TANF Career Coach
Adult Education
Phone: 870-680-8949
Jonesboro, Adult Education Center
photo of Andrea Jones
Jones, Andrea
One-Stop Coordinator
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-680-8720
Jonesboro, Main A104
Jones, Mikayla
One-Stop Agent
Financial Aid
Phone: 870-512-7713
Newport, Hangar SC 201
photo of John Judd
Judd, John
Instructor of Advanced Manufacturing
Industrial & Manufacturing Technology
Phone: 870-680-8721
Jonesboro, WTC 121
photo of Kevin Jumper
Jumper, Kevin
Director of Financial Services
Finance & Administration
Phone: 870-512-7846
Newport, SCC216
Debbie Keyton
Keyton, Debbie
Executive Director of IT Services
IT Services
Phone: 870-512-7847
Newport, CWA A305
Daniel Lee
Lee, Daniel
Assistant Professor of Adult Education
Adult Education
Phone: 870-680-8943
Jonesboro, Jonesboro Adult Education Center
Lloyd, Aja
Assistant Professor of Chemistry/Physical Science
Phone: 870-680-8713
Jonesboro, A126
Scott Loftin
Loftin, Scott
Skilled Tradesman
Physical Plant
Phone: --
Whitney Loftin
Loftin, Whitney
Career Coach
Career Facilitator
Phone: --
Mann, Christy
Director of Career & Transfer Services
Student Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7818
Newport, WH 101
photo of Charley Marble
Marble, Charley
Instructor of Automotive Service Technology
Automotive Service Technology
Phone: 870-358-8621
Marked Tree, Building B 205B
Marler, Clark
Coordinator of Advanced Technology
IT Services
Phone: 870-680-8739
Jonesboro, Main A108
Martin, Garland
Maintenance Supervisor
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-351-6115
Jonesboro, Physical Plant 401
Tim Mashburn
Mashburn, Tim
Instructor of Commercial Driver Training
Commercial Driver Training
Phone: 870-512-7836
Newport, CWA A309
Mason, Jeanna
Associate Professor of English
English & Fine Arts
Phone: 870-680-8726
Jonesboro, Main A126
May, Anthony
Associate Director of IT Services
IT Services
Phone: 870-512-7721
Newport, CWA A304
Ronda McGrew
McGrew, Ronda
Director of Advising and Retention
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-680-8728
Jonesboro, Main A122
Photo of Deborah Metheny
Metheny, Deborah
One-Stop Agent
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-680-8740
Mobley, Monica
Dean for STEM
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7725
Newport, WH166
Moody, Michael
Assistant Professor of Criminology
Criminal Justice
Phone: 870-512-7752
Newport, WH 122
Mooneyhan, Allen
Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-512-7864
Newport, SCC 208
Mooneyhan, Stacy
Associate Professor of Early Childhood Development
Phone: 870-512-7873
Newport, Walton Hall 187, Jonesboro A126
Dr. Johnny Moore, Chancellor
Moore, Johnny M.
Phone: 870-512-7851
Newport, SC 231
Moss, Sara
Executive Director of Administrative Services
Human Resources
Phone: 870-512-7874
Newport, SC 220
Muir, Tammy
Institutional Services Assistant
Events and Food Service
Phone: 870-512-7891
Myers , Typhanie
Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic & Student Affairs
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7704
Newport, SCC 206
Nation, Darla
Instructor of Commercial Driving Training/Program Coordinator
Commercial Driver Training
Phone: 870-512-7888
Newport, CWA A301
Nation, Josh
Instructor of Commercial Driver Training/Range Coordinator
Commercial Driver Training
Phone: 870-512-7843
Newport, CWA A309
Nave, Michael
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Phone: 870-358-8629
Marked Tree, Building D
Cynthia Neal
Neal, Cynthia
Lead Intake and Assessment Specialist
Adult Education
Phone: 870-680-8946
Jonesboro, Adult Education Center
photo of Logan Neldon
Neldon, Logan
Instructor of Diesel Technology
Diesel Technology
Phone: 870-512-7803
Newport, DT B401
Nelson, Carol
Institutional Services Assistant
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-680-8741
Jonesboro, Physical Plant
Nichols, Mackenzie
Instructor of Life Sciences
Phone: 870-512-7898
Nichols, Noah
One-Stop Agent
Enrollment Services
Phone: --
Marked Tree
Nowlin, Michael
Dean for Applied Science
Applied Sciences
Phone: 870-512-7808
Newport, WH164
Logan Nutt
Nutt, Logan
Professional Advisor/Men's Basketball Head Coach
Student Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7753
Newport, Hangar
Parten, Daniel
Coordinator of IT Services
IT Services
Phone: 870-512-7764
Newport, CWA A302
Emily Pasmore
Pasmore, Emily
Assistant Professor of English
English & Fine Arts
Phone: 870-512-7707
Newport, WH 190
Patterson, Donna
Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-680-8710
Jonesboro, Nursing C303C
Janice Patterson
Patterson, Janice
CDT Program Support Specialist
Commercial Driver Training
Phone: 870-512-7836
Newport, CWA A301
Payne, Victoria
One-Stop Agent (Jonesboro)
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-680-8741
Pearce, Kevin
Head Softball Coach/Student Recruiter
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-512-7744
Newport, Hangar SC 201
Kristine Penix
Penix, Kristine
Grant Administration and Compliance Officer
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7757
Newport, WH 128
Pettie, Brian
Director of Physical Plant
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-217-2263
Newport, Physical Plant
Phillips, Monika
Director of Budgets and Grants Management
Finance & Administration
Phone: 870-512-7703
Newport, SC 222
Polston, Lori
Assistant Professor of English
English & Fine Arts
Phone: 870-680-8742
Jonesboro, A128 Main Building
picture of Tracy Porter
Porter, Tracy
Advanced Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7768
Newport, WH128
photo of Charlie Powell
Powell, Charlie
Career Coach
Career Facilitator
Phone: 870-483-6444
Jonesboro, Trumann High School
John Pry
Pry, John
Skilled Tradesman
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-512-7891
Newport, Physical Plant
Terri Reno
Reno, Terri
Associate Professor of English
English & Fine Arts
Phone: 870-512-7839
Newport, WH 189
Reynolds, Irina
Assistant Professor of Oral Communication and College & Life Skills
English & Fine Arts
Phone: 870-512-7702
Newport, WH 138
Reynolds, Tabitha
Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7749
Newport, WRH F604
Riley, Shannon
Director of Surgical Technology
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7745
Newport, WRH 102
Roberson, Ryan
Advanced Instructor of High Voltage Lineman Technology
High Voltage Lineman Technology
Phone: 870-512-7857
Newport, HVLT I806
Robinson, Cameron
One-Stop Agent
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-680-8723
Jonesboro, Main A111
Rockwell, Dana
Career Development Facilitator
Adult Education
Phone: 870-680-8945
Shempert, Ronnie
Maintenance Assistant
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-926-7405
Jonesboro, Physical Plant
Julianna Smith
Smith, Julianna
Grant Accountant
Finance & Administration
Phone: 870-512-7719
Newport, SC 241
Lonnie Smith
Smith, Lonnie
Institutional Services Assistant
Events and Food Service
Phone: 870-512-7891
Newport, Physical Plant
Snetzer, Debbie
Assistant to the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7844
Newport, WH 150
picture of Amanda Spurlock
Spurlock, Amanda
Assistant Professor of Psychology
History & Social Sciences
Phone: 870-680-8744
Jonesboro, Main A126
photo of Maddie Staggs
Staggs, Maddie
Cinical and Simulation Coordinator
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7828
Newport, WH 126
Stapleton, Charlene
Administrative Specialist III
Career Pathways
Phone: 870-512-7856
Newport, WH 119
Mike Steele
Steele, Mike
Instructor of Adult Education
Adult Education
Phone: 870-512-7821
Newport, WH156
Stewart, Justin
Assistant Professor of Life Sciences
Phone: 870-680-8730
Summers, Steven
Assistant Professor of Physical Science
Phone: 870-512-7819
Jonesboro, Main A116B
Tacker, Tanna
Instructor of Cosmetology
Phone: 870-358-8623
Marked Tree, Building A 108
photo of William Tate
Tate, William
Instructor of Agriculture Technology
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7756
Newport, WH 186
Thatcher, Mary
Associate Director of Financial Aid
Financial Aid
Phone: 870-512-7812
Newport, SCC242
Thomas, Kayle
Computer Support Technician
IT Services
Phone: --
Marlin Tice
Tice, Marlin
Advanced Instructor of Energy Control Technology
Energy Control Technology
Phone: 870-358-8631
Marked Tree, C308B
photo of Jerry Tracy
Tracy, Jerry
Instructor of Diesel Technology
Diesel Technology
Phone: 870-512-7817
Newport, DT B401
Twyford, John
Assistant Professor of Business
Business Education
Phone: 870-512-7837
Newport, WH 121
photo of Justin Upchurch
Upchurch, Justin
Instructor of Welding
Phone: 870-680-8724
Jonesboro, Main
Virgies, Daysha
Instructor of Esthetics
Phone: 870-358-8623
Marked Tree, Building A 108
Elizabeth Wakefield
Wakefield, Elizabeth
Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
IT Services
Phone: 870-512-7710
Walker, Betsy
Assistant Professor of Science
Phone: 870-680-8737
Jonesboro, Hosp D504B
Charles Walker
Walker, Charles
Director of Workforce Development
Workforce Development
Phone: 870-680-8717
Jonesboro, WTC 106
Kristin Wallace
Wallace, Kristin
Career Coach
Career Facilitator
Phone: 870-578-2417
Newport, Harrisburg School District
Sierra Walls
Walls, Sierra
Computer Support Technician
IT Services
Phone: 870-512-7763
Newport, CWA A302A
Warren, Barbara
Director of Adult Education
Adult Education
Phone: 870-680-8941
Warren, Kathryn
Instructor of Patient Care Technician
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7286
Newport, CWA A313
Webb, Lee
Director of Procurement
Procurement Services
Phone: 870-512-7849
Newport, SC 226
Brian West
West, Brian
Information Systems Manager
IT Services
Phone: 870-358-8635
Marked Tree, Building A
Anna Westman
Westman, Anna
Dean for Student Success and Assessment
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7814
Jonesboro, A122
Ike Wheeler
Wheeler, Ike
Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement
Phone: 870-512-7865
Newport, SC 237
picture of Regena White
White, Regena
Advanced Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7771
Newport, WH127
Williams, Mary
Career Coach
Student Affairs
Phone: 870-680-2198
Jonesboro, Jonesboro High School
Wilmans, Lisa
Human Resource Specialist
Human Resources
Phone: 870-512-7732
Newport, SC 224
Wilson, Sharon
Workforce Training Coordinator
Workforce Development
Phone: 870-680-8743
Jonesboro, Workforce Training Center 101
Wilson, Stephanie
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Phone: 870-512-7868
Newport, WH 142
Woodard, Carolyn
Career Pathways Case Manager
Career Pathways
Phone: 870-512-7882
Newport, WH 119
photo of Marcus Woodson
Woodson, Marcus
SNAP E&T Coordinator
Adult Education
Phone: 870-680-8948
Worthington, Phyllis
Associate Registrar
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-512-7842
Newport, SC209
Young, Karen
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Phone: 870-680-8745
Jonesboro, C301
Photo of Rachel Zaideman
Zaideman, Rachel
Assistant Professor of English & Foreign Language
English & Fine Arts
Phone: 870-358-8624
Jonesboro, A126