Arkansas State University - Newport

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Employee Directory

ASUN Faculty and Staff Directory
Name/Title Department Contact Location/Office
Parten, Daniel
Coordinator of IT Services
IT Services
Phone: 870-512-7764
Newport, CWA A302
Emily Pasmore
Pasmore, Emily
Assistant Professor of English
English & Fine Arts
Phone: 870-512-7707
Newport, WH 190
Patterson, Donna
Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-680-8710
Jonesboro, Nursing C303C
Janice Patterson
Patterson, Janice
CDT Program Support Specialist
Commercial Driver Training
Phone: 870-512-7836
Newport, CWA A301
Payne, Victoria
One-Stop Agent (Jonesboro)
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-680-8741
Pearce, Kevin
Head Softball Coach/Student Recruiter
Enrollment Services
Phone: 870-512-7744
Newport, Hangar SC 201
Kristine Penix
Penix, Kristine
Grant Administration and Compliance Officer
Academic Affairs
Phone: 870-512-7757
Newport, WH 128
Pettie, Brian
Director of Physical Plant
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-217-2263
Newport, Physical Plant
Phillips, Monika
Director of Budgets and Grants Management
Finance & Administration
Phone: 870-512-7703
Newport, SC 222
Polston, Lori
Assistant Professor of English
English & Fine Arts
Phone: 870-680-8742
Jonesboro, A128 Main Building
picture of Tracy Porter
Porter, Tracy
Advanced Instructor of Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions
Phone: 870-512-7768
Newport, WH128
photo of Charlie Powell
Powell, Charlie
Career Coach
Career Facilitator
Phone: 870-483-6444
Jonesboro, Trumann High School
John Pry
Pry, John
Skilled Tradesman
Physical Plant
Phone: 870-512-7891
Newport, Physical Plant