Arkansas State University - Newport

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June 2019

The “traditional” college track isn’t for everyone. Dustin Primm realized that when he was a senior in high school, and it didn’t take him long to find a future in welding.


When someone sorts through an office, it can truly resemble a journey down memory lane.

It all starts with a few sparks, robotics, heavy machinery, buzzing noises, and that’s a day in the life of an Arkansas State University-Newport student.  Every ASU-Newport welding student learns the skills they need to enter the high paying, high demand job field of welding.

It’s obvious, the way we shop has changed. We no longer wait weeks for packages to arrive or for a store to get a new shipment. For the most part, we can get what we want when we want it. There is an industry that supports this consumer evolution—trucking.